Darin for being a great teacher, as she will go out of her way to help and assist her students, and she really values her position as a Geometry teacher, and she expresses the values of being a hardworking teacher.- Alexandra Cuevas, Joliet Teacher: Jennifer Darin-I just want to thank Mrs. She always brings positivity and fun to everyday and has really made Spanish class enjoyable! She’s one of those teachers that want to see you succeed and only wish you the best.- Alexa Fitzgerald, Joliet Pavur for alway being there for me and all of her students whenever we need it. Teacher: Katie Pavur-I would like to say thank you to my teacher Mrs. Teacher: Joe Terrel-Thank you for being a great teacher and I hope you enjoy my 30 minute long video project on why Shadow the Hedgehog is the best Sonic game.- Kieran Steward, Morris You’ve made an immeasurable impact on my life and it’s so very appreciated!!- Izzy Sallese, Morris
Teacher: Ray Burgess-Thank you for teaching me how to be a respectable student and teaching beyond the history curriculum. Teacher: Jon Lanning-Thank you Mr Lanning!- Gabriel Kosch, Morris You have made a huge impact on me and taught me well <3- Beth Apostolou, Morris Teacher: Jon Lanning-Thank you so much for being one of my favorite teachers this year. Thank you for challenging me and thank you for believing in me!- Anthony Bucolo, Elmhurst This life lesson is one I will always remember from my favorite math teacher and one that can be applied to all areas of my life. You taught me that with hard work ethic, I could achieve more than what other people thought I was capable of. Barrett, it’s been three years now of advanced math and I am now taking honors high school Geometry as an 8th grader with a 100%. But, I was moved with an understanding that if my grade slipped, I would move down again. I nervously answered “yes.” You had to advocate on my behalf to the school to move me. At the end of the year, as my assignments and grades improved, you asked if I thought I could handle advanced math. You kept challenging me in class and even had me come in before school for extra math help. I was late with homework assignments and had some miserable in-class work, but you could sense my ability to problem solve. Katie Barrett- thank you for believing in me! I know I wasn’t always the best prepared and organized math student. She is very kind to everyone, and never lets anyone down, everyone always have fun in her classroom, and we learn a lot more than any other class that I have been in.- Antonio Ramos, Morris McKinney, for being the best teacher that we have ever had in Morris High School. Teacher: Tonya McKinney-I am thanking my teacher, Mrs. You even allow a lot of class time to get things done.- Olivia Preuss, Morris You teach in a way that engages students and keeps our attention. No matter what people may disagree on, respect always comes first. Teacher: Dave Auwerda-You are one of the best teachers at MCHS not only because of the way you teach, but because while I was in your class, you show respect in a way I haven’t seen in a long time.

I always look forward to your class.- Emilee Paull, Morris

Teacher: Jon Lanning-Thank you for making psychology fun and not crazy difficult.